My Favorite Links

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QRP ARCI - The QRP Amateur Radio Club International has 12,000 members worldwide, and publishes a great magazine.

AMQRP - The American QRP Association.  Lots of good information and some nice kits.

NOGA - The Northern Georgia QRP Club is another great website for ideas and kits. - Steve Weber has some terrific kits, and neat DIY projects.

NORCAL - The Northern California QRP Club has many QRP kits and projects.

ARS QRP - The Adventure Radio QRP Radio Society combines QRP amateur radio with a love of the outdoors.

SKCC - The Straight Key Century Club was formed to encourage the use of straight keys for the CW mode.

FISTS - FISTS is the name of the International Morse Preservation Society.  Its goals are to promote the use of CW, encourage newcomers to use the CW mode, and create friendships through CW QSO's.  They have many awards and contests.

Jackson Harbor Press - Chuck Olson has a lot of kits, projects, and useful information on his website.

Small Wonder Labs - Dave Benson has some great QRP kits.  I have the DSW II-20, and it's a real fb rig.

N0SS - Tom has documented a lot of useful QRP and Elecraft information.  It's like the Home Depot for QRP.

W3FPR - Don has a treasure chest of great QRP information, especially as it relates to Elecraft rigs.

AD5X - Phil Salas is a non-stop ham.  I imagine his website can't keep up with all Phil's projects, but that's OK because neither can I.

N5ESE - Monty's site is always fun to visit.  It's "ecclectic ham radio" at it's finest, and I find something new every time I go there.

QTH.NET - What a great Internet resource this is for Ham Radio.  A list of reflectors from Azden to Zenith.  I subscribe to several of these lists, and have learned a lot from them.

K2VCO - K2VCO has written a very handy application (free) that displays the time in UTC on your computer screen.

D4 - The D4 website has a free download that synchronizes your PC's clock to the National Bureau of Standards.  This keeps your PC time accurate, and is very handy for bidding on eBay.